A Motorist’s Handy Guide to Resin for Windscreen Repairs

When your car's windscreen develops a crack, there are various solutions to fix the problem. One of the most affordable options that you can choose is repair via resin. While resin will not suffice for large cracks, it is quite handy for minor chinks and fissures that are not putting the windscreen in jeopardy. If you have never had your windscreen repairs with resin before, here is a simple guide about what you need to know.

Are all resins the same viscosity?

Resins employed to fix windscreen cracks are not all the same. They come with varying degrees of viscosity, which refers to the thickness of the fluid. The deeper the breaks on your windscreen, the thicker the resin should be so that it can seal the fissure sufficiently. A unit referred to as cps typically measures resin viscosity, and your mechanic will be best placed to know how much resin will be required for individual damages.

What goes into the application process?

As aforementioned, the type of resin used to cover the crack will be dependent on the extent of the damage. Once this has been established, the resin is applied directly into the crack to cover it completely. This step is followed by curing of the resin, which is done via ultraviolet light. The duration the resin takes to dry completely can range anywhere between half an hour to about an hour.

Are all resins made from the same material?

Another thing to note about resins used for windscreen repairs is that they are manufactured from different materials. One of the most common substances utilised is epoxy, since its characteristics make it a great bonding agent for sealing fissures. Nonetheless, the epoxy cannot be applied with anything on hand. Specialised tools are required for the process, such as an injector, a vacuum and so on.

Can you fix your windscreen with resin from an auto repair kit?

Auto repair kits, granted, do come with resin for minor car repairs. However, the resin in these auto kits is characterised by a very low viscosity because its primary purpose is to fix small cracks on your windows or mirrors. If the scratches on your windows and mirrors are superficial and are barely noticeable from the interior of the vehicle, then you may use the resin from your auto repair kit to mitigate this damage. But if the cracks are located on your windscreen, it is in the best interests of your vehicle and personal safety to have the repairs carried out by a mechanic who will have the right resin supplies.

For more information, contact a local car window repair company like Premier Windscreens
